September 21 2022

Is Blues a I-IV-V or V-V-V?


Blues has always been considered to be ‘simple’ to play yet it’s still not always done correctly. In fact, if the bass player and guitarist would both understand the same logic it would take the band to the next level.

It’s a simple I-IV-V when it’s just plain major chords and yes you can just improvise with a major/blues pentatonic or major scale over those chords however with that info alone you would never know that it’s a blues rhythm unless someone actually says it is or until you hear the rhythm itself. As with any style, the rhythm makes the style. There are other factors of course but the rhythm will determine if a set of chords are to be played with a blues shuffle, a reggae beat, a jazzy syncopated rhythm or any other rhythm.

When it comes to a standard 12-bar blues progression however, converting these chords to V7 chords gives you at least 3 more keys to pivot to and to create interesting yet familiar blues lines.

This is pretty much the doorway to jazz btw … or at least to play blues much better.

Jazz is a different rhythm, and ii-V-I progressions modulating all over the the place! 😂 👍

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Posted September 21, 2022 by Frank in category "Mini-Lessons