July 4 2021

The boys are back in town!


Hey Friends 🙂

It’s been a long time since we’ve had the freedom to gather …and there was no exception among musicians either. Some still went against the rules for their own reasons but one thing is for certain, this pandemic will be part of our history and will be known as that time when we hit the pause button. Life itself still continued and we’ve physically, and psychologically adapted to a new reality. Many people didn’t even live through it and we will probably deal with the psychological damage for years to come. That being said, it did permit us to reset ourselves, find a new way to doing something, make a change, maybe even reflect on things and appreciate things differently than before.

Here we are now. Vaccines are available. Most have had at least one shot and others are already on their second. Where we go from here and what will happen when the summer winds down is still unknown. For now, some normalcy is beginning to find its way through and people are finally beginning to see the light.

So what’s new? Well, for one thing the gang from Spirit Of Vintage (a long time baby/band of mine) will be regrouping and starting back up again.

Please visit www.SpiritOfVintage.com for more info!

Welcome back all and stay ‘tuned’! 😎👍


Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.

Posted July 4, 2021 by Frank in category "News", "Projects", "Spirit Of Vintage